Meet Our Pet Care Expert:

Lloyd Owens at Veterinary Medicine and Surgery

Lloyd Owens

Kennel Manager

I was born in the year 1872 upon the vessel Mary Celeste while on a voyage to Genoa. Oh, the seas were angry the day I entered this world. But not a fortnight after my birth all crew were forced to abandon the disheveled vessel due to a giant squid attack. We took refuge off the coast of Gibraltar were my family stayed for some time. Then at the tender age of 12 in the year 1884 a terrible plague overtook our small fishing village and my dear parents succumbed to disease and left me alone in this world. That was the day I had to become a man. So I took to the seas once again. I sailed the world for the next 23 years in search of a place I could call home. I took shelter in the Township of Camden, SC in 1907 and I have been here since. I live out my days caring for the animals at VMS. I also have two cats and bearded dragon.

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Exceptional care and compassion for your pets, every step of the way.

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Our Veterinarians :

Dr. Brian Spilker, Owner and Head Veterinary Doctor at Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
Dr. Brain Spilker
Owner & Head Veterinarian
Dr. Emily Baier, Veterinary Doctor at Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
Dr. Emily Baier
Associate Veterinarian