For the Love of Safety: Why Microchipping is so Important 

Studies have shown that in the United States, as many as 1 in 3 pets will go missing in their lifetime. Those are big numbers. We all like to think that our beloved pets would never leave our side, but there are so many things that can influence pet behavior that often we are wrong. Collars with ID are very important, but what if the collar comes off? It is a heartbreaking experience to be unable to find your best friend. You worry endlessly. You search everywhere.

A pet microchip – the size of a grain of rice – goes beneath your pets skin like a vaccination. 

A microchip for dogs and cats gives the best protection with permanent ID that can never be removed or become impossible to read.

Microchips are designed to last your pet’s entire lifetime. Once enrolled, they link to a permanent record of your owner information – which is important to keep up-to-date so you can be reached when your lost pet is found. Your microchip comes with a personal listing in our lost pet database, and this translates to anytime/anywhere pet recovery services. Virtually all vets and animal shelters across the country are equipped with scanners that can read your pet’s microchip.So, HomeAgain members can breathe a little easier knowing their lost cat or dog can be identified whether he’s 3 or 3,000 miles away from home.